Whitener Racing Shocks sells custom built dampers and coilover
assemblies for road racing, autocross, and time trials. All of our
shock absorbers are motorsports grade monotubes, many designs feature
industry first quick change spring mounts which allow on the fly spring
changes. All of our shocks are non-adjustable and as such are
specialized and finely tuned to a particular setup. This requires a much higher level of time and development but delivers a superior product at an affordable cost.
At the current time Whitener Racing Shocks only offers shock absorbers
for 88-00 Hondas/Acuras and 90-04 Mazda Miatas. We are currently in
development for C5/C6 Corvettes and hope to have a product offering
available in 2017. Due to our unusually long development time we are
not interested in other chassis at the current time.
For more information contact WRShocks at gmail